Watermelon diet for weight loss

The watermelon diet works only in the case of a single product, there must be a mandatory predisposition to this product and the absence of negative reactions of your body to watermelons. This is a rather tough diet, which is why it has a short duration in its pure form.

If the next day after the start of the watermelon diet painful sensations appear, this diet should be interrupted, since watermelon acts as a strong diuretic and this must be taken into account. At the beginning of the diet, the main removal of the mass will be carried out due to the loss of excess water-salt deposits.

watermelon for the watermelon diet

The first requirement of the menu for a watermelon diet is to adhere to the number of watermelons eaten per day based on a kilogram of watermelon per ten kilograms of body weight, other products simply cannot be consumed. There is no time limit - you can eat watermelon at any time. You can drink, but unlimitedly, only water or green tea. And alcohol will have to be eliminated altogether.

There is another embodiment of the watermelon diet, less stringent, since with each meal (watermelon), you can eat slices of rye bread. In this case, the duration of the diet increases to a week and a half.

Duration of the diet

It is not necessary to adhere to the watermelon diet for more than ten days in all menu options, however, after its end, to fix the effect of weight loss, you need low-fat protein-carbohydrate food, these are vegetables and fruits in any form, cereals, cereals, fish, cheese, chicken, eggs, cottage cheese onbreakfast and lunch. Supper should be carried out at least four hours before bedtime, preferably at six o'clock in the evening and it should consist of only one watermelon, (maximum - thirty kilograms of mass no more than a kilogram of watermelon). A slice of rye bread is also allowed. This supportive withdrawal from the diet lasts ten days. At the same time, the decrease in body weight continues, but already at a slower pace and the metabolism is normalized due to the release of the body from deposits of salts, toxins and toxins.

Benefits of the watermelon diet

The main advantage of the watermelon diet is its easy tolerance, reduced hunger, which is different for most restrictive diets. Naturally, it is desirable at the same time to love watermelons and not suffer from a painful reaction of the body to this product. Another undoubted advantage of the watermelon diet is its undoubted result in a relatively short time. The third plus of the watermelon diet is a noticeable normalization of metabolism, and the removal of toxins, toxins and deposits from the body during the diet.


The disadvantage of the watermelon diet is the impossibility of its use in diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system, for example, kidney stones, pyelonephritis, diabetic disorders, since the whole burden of cleansing the body of toxins during the diet falls on the kidneys. A doctor's consultation is highly desirable. The loss of mass due to the withdrawal of fluid, and not body fat, is also attributed by many to the disadvantages of the watermelon diet, but this is typical for many very famous diets.